cost increase

cost increasecost increase
  1. The efficiency increased by labor division offset the possible transaction cost increase .


  2. In telecommunication industry , industry with the weak cost increase caused the increasing marginal benefit .


  3. The increase of annual net profit cost increase of heating duty and cooling duty .


  4. The shop owner explained that the price hike was due to a cost increase .


  5. The water cut of oil well increases , the production decreases , and the infrastructure investment and cost increase .


  6. And money expansion is merely the result of continuous cost increase acted upon by interest rigidity .


  7. The local optimization management mode results in impeded logistics , cost increase , lack of business and supply chain competitiveness .


  8. In addition to the artificial cost increase , all of these problems make enterprises have to attach importance to drug manufacturing cost .


  9. If profit gained is bigger than the transaction cost increase , we can still say the division of labor increase efficiency .


  10. The cost increase is partially due to the complicated Optical Proximity Corrections ( OPC ) applied on mask design .


  11. Control project risk display to implement cycle lengthen , implement cost increase , implementation quality and implement result up to goal preconcerted ;


  12. But regarding to the manufacture of small batch and complex organization , the use of traditional formed craft inevitably causes the cost increase .


  13. Results from economic analysis and case simulations show that using this approach the transient voltage quality level in distribution system can be evidently improved without cost increase .


  14. However , with the increasingly fierce market competition , and rising raw material prices , the steel companies are also facing huge cost increase pressure .


  15. On one hand , this way of production meet the customers ' personalized demands . On the other hand , it effectively controls the cost increase .


  16. But , it does not mean the more the better , because the increase of international reserve can lead to the cost increase of holding international reserve .


  17. In either case , the gross profit margin of golf equipment sales is affected as the higher selling price reflects only the material cost increase .


  18. According to the situations of recent years ' highway construction development , the pressure of ecosystem protection and construction cost increase , the income of mountainous highway decrease .


  19. In recent years , the size of the national communication network and users have been expanding , communication , business equipment operation power consumption has become a major cost increase .


  20. Prebiopsy desmopressin administration decreases the risk of bleeding and hematoma size in patients undergoing percutaneous kidney biopsy without a cost increase .


  21. Under the new situation , in our country insurance business human resources management has the problem mainly to have : Personnel flow rate excessively quickly , creates the replacement cost increase ;


  22. However , because of the labor cost increase , and the restriction of RMB appreciation pressure , the competitiveness of logistics enterprise in our country has gradually weakened .


  23. The auto-compensation techniques of rotation is widely used in high accuracy inertial navigation systems based on ring laser gyros , in order to increase navigation performance with limited cost increase .


  24. Under the new situation of labor shortages and production cost increase , the blossom and post-blossom thinning of apple is an appropriate alternative method to thin by hands .


  25. These common phenomenons resulted in grain cost increase , resources waste , soil environment deteriorate and plant poor-growth , and became the main obstacles of high yield and income .


  26. The reliability of system is improved and the cost increase few using the 1 + 1 protected method . + 1 . The time cost of binary search reaches the lower bound of the search problem .


  27. The most important is if people are asked to unlimited access Internet would cause the following problems : data transmission speed ; Internet users need access without effective safeguard ; The resulting cost increase a lot .


  28. With the improving of library digital construction , the import of foreign databases is increasing which makes the libraries cost increase . It is important for librarians to make sound purchasing decisions for databases .


  29. The fault sensor will offer the system inaccurate measurements , which would mislead the control system to do wrong actions , thus causing the energy waste , cost increase and decline of indoor environment quality .


  30. A large number of separate body electrical control module which can improve vehicle comfort have brought the cost increase . Step by step , the difficulty of the equipment control and malfunction analysis diagnose enlarged alot .
